Wii U Master Key Generator Saltax
- 0005000010100600 v16 TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2Wii U EDITION [JAP]
- 0005000010101C00 v65 New SUPER MARIO BROS. U [JAP]
- 0005000010101D00 v64 New SUPER MARIO BROS. U [USA]
- 0005000010101E00 v80 New SUPER MARIO BROS. U [EUR]
- 0005000010102000 v32 Nintendo Land [USA]
- 0005000010102200 v81 Wii Fit U [JAP]
- 0005000010102400 v81 Wii Fit U [EUR]
- 0005000010104D00 v96 MONSTER HUNTER 3(tri-)GHD Ver. [JAP]
- 0005000010106900 v32 Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014Olympic Winter Games [JAP]
- 0005000010106B00 v80 Assassin's Creed® III [USA]
- 000500001010AF00 v16 Marvel Avengers™: Battle for Earth [USA]
- 000500001010B300 v48 Sonic & All-Stars RacingTransformed [USA]
- 000500001010B600 v32 Your Shape®Fitness Evolved 2013 [USA]
- 000500001010C700 v32 Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014Olympic Winter Games [USA]
- 000500001010C800 v32 Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014Olympic Winter Games [EUR]
- 000500001010CF00 v128 Call of Duty: Black Ops II [USA]
- 000500001010DC00 v16 Mass Effect™ 3 Special Edition [USA]
- 000500001010E300 v48 Splinter Cell Blacklist [USA]
- 000500001010EA00 v64 WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Hyper [JAP]
- 000500001010EC00 v32 MARIO KART 8 [USA]
- 000500001010EE00 v16 FIFA 13 [EUR]
- 000500001010F000 v32 JUST DANCE 4 [EUR]
- 000500001010F500 v16 Mass Effect™ 3 Special Edition [EUR]
- 000500001010F600 v80 Assassin's Creed® III [EUR]
- 000500001010F700 v33 Your Shape®Fitness Evolved 2013 [EUR]
- 000500001010F800 v32 TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2Wii U EDITION [EUR]
- 000500001010FC00 v16 Rabbids Land [EUR]
- 0005000010110000 v32 TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2Wii U EDITION [USA]
- 0005000010110200 v32 WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Hyper(NA) [USA]
- 0005000010110800 v16 Marvel Avengers™: Battle for Earth [EUR]
- 0005000010110900 v64 NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor's Edge [JAP]
- 0005000010110A00 v80 NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor's Edge [USA]
- 0005000010110B00 v48 NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor's Edge [EUR]
- 0005000010111700 v16 Injustice: Gods Among Us [USA]
- 0005000010111A00 v16 Injustice: Gods Among Us [EUR]
- 0005000010111C00 v33 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12 [JAP]
- 0005000010111F00 v48 Sonic & All-Stars RacingTransformed [EUR]
- 0005000010112100 v16 Know Your Friends [EUR]
- 0005000010112200 v16 Trine 2Director's Cut [EUR]
- 0005000010112400 v80 Assassin's Creed® III [JAP]
- 0005000010112800 v48 Splinter Cell Blacklist [JAP]
- 0005000010112B00 v32 WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Hyper(EU) [EUR]
- 0005000010113000 v16 Mass Effect™ 3 Special Edition [JAP]
- 0005000010113100 v16 BIOHAZARD REVELATIONSUnveiled Edition [JAP]
- 0005000010113400 v128 Call of Duty: Black Ops II [EUR]
- 0005000010113500 v144 Call of Duty: Black Ops II [EUR]
- 0005000010113700 v144 Call of Duty: Black Ops II [EUR]
- 0005000010113C00 v16 Funky Barn [USA]
- 0005000010115F00 v65 Zen Pinball 2 [USA]
- 0005000010116500 v32 Toki Tori 2+ [EUR]
- 0005000010116600 v17 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 [JAP]
- 0005000010117200 v32 MONSTER HUNTER 3 ULTIMATE [EUR]
- 0005000010118300 v32 MONSTER HUNTER 3 ULTIMATE [USA]
- 000500001011A700 v32 ZombiU [EUR]
- 000500001011AF00 v33 BIT.TRIP Presents.. Runner2:Future Legend of Rhythm Alien [USA]
- 000500001011B300 v16 Funky Barn (Download Version) [EUR]
- 000500001011B400 v96 Call of Duty: Black Ops II [JAP]
- 000500001011B600 v96 Dragon Quest X Beta test [JAP]
- 000500001011BA00 v64 Uplay [USA]
- 0005000010128400 v32 Need for Speed™ Most Wanted U [EUR]
- 0005000010128800 v32 Need for Speed™ Most Wanted U [USA]
- 0005000010128A00 v16 Trine 2Director's Cut [USA]
- 0005000010129000 v32 DuckTales: Remastered [USA]
- 000500001012AC00 v48 Splinter Cell Blacklist [EUR]
- 000500001012B400 v16 RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS [EUR]
- 000500001012B700 v32 Need for Speed™ Most Wanted U [JAP]
- 000500001012BD00 v96 PIKMIN 3 [USA]
- 000500001012C500 v16 THE CROODS [EUR]
- 000500001012F100 v112 Wii Sports Club [JAP]
- 0005000010132400 v48 LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes [EUR]
- 0005000010132600 v81 Wii Fit UQuick Check [USA]
- 0005000010132800 v16 UnepicEnjoyUp Games [USA]
- 0005000010132A00 v32 Star Wars Pinball [EUR]
- 0005000010132B00 v32 LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes [USA]
- 0005000010135300 v16 The Wonderful 101 [EUR]
- 0005000010136300 v17 BIT.TRIP Presents.. Runner2:Future Legend of Rhythm Alien [EUR]
- 0005000010136F00 v49 Disney Infinity [EUR]
- 0005000010137C00 v16 Batman™:Arkham Origins [USA]
- 0005000010137F00 v16 Donkey Kong CountryTropical Freeze [USA]
- 0005000010138300 v17 Donkey Kong CountryTropical Freeze [EUR]
- 0005000010138700 v33 Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party [EUR]
- 0005000010138800 v32 Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag [EUR]
- 0005000010138B00 v32 Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag [USA]
- 0005000010138E00 v16 Rayman Legends Challenges App [EUR]
- 0005000010139500 v16 Rayman Legends Challenges App [USA]
- 0005000010140400 v16 Skylanders SWAP Force [EUR]
- 0005000010140700 v16 Injustice: Gods Among Us [JAP]
- 0005000010142A00 v16 Zumba Fitness World Party [USA]
- 0005000010142C00 v16 Art Academy: SketchPad [USA]
- 0005000010144000 v16 Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know! [USA]
- 0005000010144800 v17 Donkey Kong CountryTropical Freeze [JAP]
- 0005000010144E00 v112 Wii Sports Club [EUR]
- 0005000010145800 v16 UnepicEnjoyUp Games [EUR]
- 0005000010145F00 v16 NES REMIX [JAP]
- 0005000010146100 v16 NES REMIX [EUR]
- 0005000010147600 v17 EvoFish [EUR]
- 0005000010147F00 v32 Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party [USA]
- 0005000010148000 v16 ONE PIECEUNLIMITED WORLD R [JAP]
- 0005000010149200 v32 Spot The Differences: Party! [EUR]
- 0005000010149500 v16 Scram Kittyand his Buddy on Rails [USA]
- 000500001014C600 v16 Giana SistersTwisted Dreams [EUR]
- 000500001014C800 v16 Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag [JAP]
- 000500001014D100 v17 Scram Kittyand his Buddy on Rails [EUR]
- 000500001014DA00 v784 Monster Hunter Frontier G [JAP]
- 000500001014DE00 v16 The LEGO® MovieVideogame [USA]
- 000500001014E000 v18 The LEGO® MovieVideogame [EUR]
- 000500001014E100 v16 Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know! [EUR]
- 000500001014E300 v16 Zumba Fitness World Party [EUR]
- 0005000010154D00 v16 The Mysterious Cities of Gold:Secret Paths [EUR]
- 0005000010156500 v16 The Mysterious Cities of Gold:Secret Paths [USA]
- 0005000010157900 v112 Call of Duty: Ghosts [JAP]
- 0005000010159900 v81 Wii Fit U (Free) [USA]
- 000500001015A300 v17 Disney INFINITY [JAP]
- 0005000010162300 v17 Color Zen [EUR]
- 000500001016A200 v16 Bombing Bastards [EUR]
- 000500001016AC00 v16 Armillo [USA]
- 000500001016C700 v16 Armillo [EUR]
- 000500001016D800 v16 CHILD of LIGHT [JAP]
- 000500001016E100 v48 Shovel Knight [USA]
- 000500001016EA00 v16 CHILD of LIGHT [EUR]
- 000500001016FF00 v16 Flowerworks HDFollie's Adventure [USA]
- 0005000010170200 v16 Pier Solarand the Great Architects [USA]
- 0005000010170700 v17 KAMEN RIDER BATTRIDE WAR Ⅱ [JAP]
- 0005000010173300 v16 Stealth Inc 2A Game of Clones [EUR]
- 0005000010175D00 v16 ONE PIECEUnlimited World Red [EUR]
- 0005000010179100 v16 JUST DANCE® 2015 [USA]
- 000500001017CD00 v80 Hyrule Warriors [JAP]
- 000500001017D900 v48 Hyrule Warriors [EUR]
- 0005000010188C00 v32 Disney Infinity [2.0] [EUR]
Feb 16, 2011 Wii / Wii U. Parental Control. Archive View Return to standard view. Last updated –. You're going to need the master key code but you can only get it from Nintendo. Give them a call on (03) 9730 9822 to get it:-). Just call Nintendo on the number I listed above and they'll provide a master code. No need to go to extremes. User #170299. Reddit office product key generator and activator.
mkey is a master key generator for the Parental Controls functionality on various consoles from a certain vendor. Currently, this includes the Wii, DSi, 3DS and Wii U.
This allows resetting Parental Controls (due to being locked out) without having to contact customer support.
If you would just like to use this, with no concern for the code or how it works, visit: https://mkey.salthax.org/
v2 support was initially implemented in October 2015, and has been serving the above page since December 2015. v1 and Wii U support was added in January 2016. v0 support was added in April 2016.
- Parental Controls PIN Reset. Nintendo’s parental controls reset tool will generate a master key to reset the Parental Control PIN on your system. A credit card is required to use this service and a $0.50 fee is to ensure it is used by an adult. A Visa or Mastercard is required.
- Jun 12, 2009 I set up parental controls just so my parents couldn't, and some how blocked internet settings. Now I forgot the PIN and the question, and I don't want to call for it, because they take too long to pick up. I've also tried about the first 1000 combinations out of 10000. It may vary depending on the console is why I'm worried.
- Wii Parental Control password reset tool Confirmation Number: Current Date in your timezone: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 Sun, 12 Apr 2020 Mon, 13 Apr 2020.
Python and C implementations are available in this repository. These function very similarly.
As of writing, system support is good - all algorithms in use are supported, provided one can extract the necessary keys from the system firmware.

For some algorithm versions (especially 3DS v2) many keys are required from the system firmware in order to generate master keys. These can differ between regions and system versions. The best documentation for these is in the code, which covers the situation on all supported devices.
Some 3DS-specific documentation on the algorithms seen so far can be found at: https://3dbrew.org/wiki/System_Settings#Parental_Controls_Reset
Master Key Eng Sub

mkey is distributed under the AGPLv3 license, see LICENSE.
ctr.c, ctr.h, utils.c and utils.h are taken from ctrtool, which is licensed under MIT, see LICENSE-ctrtool.
Master Key Ep 1
- marcan for the Wii reset tool: https://wii.marcan.st/parental
- neimod for the 3DS v0 reset tool: https://github.com/3dshax/ctr/commit/bcb3734b9a26d0fe7ef66f7d3814406fee797303
- SALT greetz: WulfyStylez and Shiny Quagsire (^: